
尊敬的各位业界同仁: 我们很高兴地宣布,塑胶跑道行业的盛会即将在本月召开。这次会议旨在为业界同仁提供一个交流和分享最新技术、经验和最佳实践的平台,以促进塑胶跑道行业的发展。 会议时间:2021年10月20日至22日 会议地点:上海国际会议中心 会议主题:创新、发展、合作 本次会议将邀请来自国内外的专家学者和业界领袖,就塑胶跑道行业的发展趋势、技术创新、市场前景等议题展开深入探讨。同时,我们也将组织一系列的技术交流和展示活动,为参会者提供更多的学习和交流机会。 此外,我们还将邀请一些知名企业代表分享他们的成功经验和最佳实践,以及一些优秀的案例分析和解决方案。我们相信这些经验和实践将为业界同仁提供宝贵的参考和启示。 本次会议的主要议题包括但不限于: 1. 塑胶跑道行业的发展趋势和前景 2. 新技术、新材料在塑胶跑道行业的应用和发展 3. 塑胶跑道的施工和维护技术 4. 塑胶跑道的环保和可持续发展 5. 塑胶跑道的市场营销和品牌建设 我们诚挚地邀请您参加本次盛会,并与业界同仁一起分享您的经验和见解。我们相信这次会议将为您提供一个难得的机会,让您拓宽视野、交流经验、结识同行,并为您的事业发展带来新的动力和机遇。 如您有意参加本次会议,请于10月10日前完成注册并缴纳会费。如有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息,请随时与我们联系。 期待您的到来! 塑胶跑道行业盛会组委会 2021年9月20日 参考译文: Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the grand gathering of the plastic track industry will be held this month. This conference aims to provide a platform for industry colleagues to exchange and share the latest technologies, experiences and best practices to promote the development of the plastic track industry. Conference time: October 20-22, 2021 Conference venue: Shanghai International Conference Center Conference theme: Innovation, Development, Cooperation This conference will invite experts, scholars and industry leaders from home and abroad to conduct in-depth discussions on the development trends, technological innovation, market prospects and other issues of the plastic track industry. At the same time, we will also organize a series of technical exchange and display activities to provide participants with more learning and communication opportunities. In addition, we will also invite representatives from some well-known enterprises to share their successful experiences and best practices, as well as some excellent case analyses and solutions. We believe that these experiences and practices will provide valuable reference and inspiration for industry colleagues. The main topics of this conference include but are not limited to: 1. Development trends and prospects of the plastic track industry 2. Application and development of new technologies and materials in the plastic track industry 3. Construction and maintenance technology of plastic track 4. Environmental protection and sustainable development of plastic track 5. Marketing and brand building of plastic track We sincerely invite you to participate in this grand gathering and share your experiences and insights with industry colleagues. We believe that this conference will provide you with a rare opportunity to broaden your horizons, exchange experiences, meet peers, and bring new momentum and opportunities to your career development. If you are interested in attending this conference, please complete the registration and pay the registration fee before October 10. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us. Looking forward to your arrival! Organizing Committee of the Grand Gathering of the Plastic Track Industry September 20, 2021
